Why Is "Plandemic" So Threatening?

The "Plandemic" documentary was getting pulled down from YouTube, just as fast as it was being uploaded. The only place where you'll find "Plandemic" and its sequel, "Plandemic II: inDOCTORnation" are on sites like Bitchute. When you do a Google search of "Plandemic" you'll find a bunch of links to articles attacking the film and attempting to debunk it. I always find it suspect when the establishment is actively trying to prevent you from looking at something: makes me more susceptiple to believe it's true. We are being lied to about this COVID-19 Pandemic. I'm waiting for the border to re-open, it was supposed to happen Sept. 21 - it's now been delayed to Oct. 21st. I'm seeing TikTok videos online of doctors and nurses doing the "Safety Dance" in the middle of a so-called deadly pandemic. And I'm wondering, where's all the sick people? When are people going to stand up and say "enough is enough?" When are we going to get are machetes and pitchforks, and run these globalist bums out of here? I am sick and fucking tired of having to go into a shop wearing a stupid fucking mask knowing this whole fucking thing is a lie. I'm sick and fucking tired of having to walk on egg-shells around fucking sheep that believe everything they're being told by CNN or the CBC. Fuck these lying pricks! All this lockdown has done is benefit the huge corporations, while small businesses get shut down. Then, they're going to keep everything closed until everyone complies with their demands, and takes Bill Gates' bullshit vaccine. Then, they want to get rid of paper money and make everything electronic, so they can track everything. There will be NO such thing as privacy in the next 20 years.


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